The whole idea of supply and demand is flawed when you do not have enough of the supply for the demand. However browsing through was a treat since they have a third party company that made the GameCube adapter for you Smash Bros WiiU players out there. Thanks to Mayflash your wait is now over, but there are those that are skeptical about third party companies. The good news you still have options on play-asia to either get the four ports peripheral or a single use port.
The four port features:
- The GameCube Controller Adapter allows you to connect up to four GameCube controllers (or wireless GameCube controllers) to a Wii U system and PC USB
- With two GameCube Controller Adapters, up to eight GameCube controllers can be used at the same time
- Switch to “Wii U” or “PC” mode by using the switch located on the side
- Supports the GC/Wii Emulator Dolphin
- Supports the built-in Vibration Feedback with no delays by plugging the two USB ports of the adapter into your Wii U system or PC USB connector ports.
- The driver is required if you need the vibration feedback on the PC mode. Please download it from
- Compatible with Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7,Windows 8,32 bit and 64 bit and Mac OS under the PC mode
This will go for $19.99 and is available right now.
What we have is the play-asia edition GC controller single use adapter. This item is now on sale for $13.99 from $19.99 which is great news. Now whats so fab about this vs. getting the four port besides the fact that it is great for travel?
GC Play-Asia Edition Adapter Features: TURBO!!
Honestly that is pretty much is the turbo feature and this is great for those that do not want to lug around a four port adapter. I know Smash Bros. can be a team sport, but you can always carry both like a hardcore generous gamer who is prepared just in case the place you are going to does not have the option.
The x Mayflash Adaptor is a GameCube controller adaptor that allows you to play any of your favorite Wii/Wii U games, with as few restrictions as possible. With next to no input lag, a turbo setting, and compatibility with any game playable with the Wii Classic Controller or Wii Classic Controller Pro the Mayflash is the best answer for those truly in love with the GameCube controller.
Hit up for both four port adapter and single port adapter so you can get out there for some amazing Super Smash Bros battling. Also, be sure to check out our review of Super Smash Bros. for the WiiU if you have not picked it up already. Stay frosty gamers.